
Forex Competition. 金融交易大赛

  AIFC 交易所将于2021年10月25日在马来西亚🇲🇾纳闽岛隆重开业,AIFC 交易所已获马来西亚财务部(MOF)以及纳闽岛金融服务管理局(Labuan FSA)的投资许可证。 AIFC Technology Ltd is an international broker house which will be officially launched on 25/10/2021 in Labuan, Malaysia. AIFC is also supported by the license of investment approved by Ministry of Finance and Labuan Financial Authority (Labuan FSA) where it’s headquarters its headquarters are located. Register now to be the first 10000 user in our AIFC Broker House to trade in In Gold/Silver, Oil (WTI and Brent), Index, Forex and Cryptocurrency. As easy as ABC, as simple as 123, we have full customer service and support team to help you. Click the click to register free account today and start your challenging and interesting investment journey with AIFC immediately. Join us to start your weekly challenge to win the Cash Prizes of USD20000 now ! For new investors, you may also participate by forex copytrading with our professional tr...

币码国际投资咨询服务, Primafx International.

  AIFC 交易所将于2021年10月25日在马来西亚 纳闽岛隆重开业,AIFC 交易所已获马来西亚财务部(MOF)以及纳闽岛金融服务管理局(Labuan FSA)的投资许可证。 AIFC Technology Ltd is an international broker house which will be officially launched on 25/10/2021 in Labuan, Malaysia. AIFC is also supported by the license of investment approved by Ministry of Finance and Labuan Financial Authority (Labuan FSA) where it’s headquarters its headquarters are located. Register now to be the first 10000 user in our AIFC Broker House to trade in In Gold/Silver, Oil (WTI and Brent), Index, Forex and Cryptocurrency. As easy as ABC, as simple as 123, we have full customer service and support team to help you. Click the click to register free account today and start your challenging and interesting investment journey with AIFC immediately. Join us to start your weekly challenge to win the Cash Prizes of USD20,000 now. For new investors, you may also participate by forex copytrading with our professional trade...

Primafx Investment Advisory. Risk Management of Investment.

The most important thing in investment is risk management. Risk management include diversification. Please read and study this article carefully before decide on any investment. Please study carefully and even visit the investment office for verification. AIFC 交易所将于2021年10月25日在马来西亚 纳闽岛隆重开业,AIFC 交易所已获马来西亚财务部(MOF)以及纳闽岛金融服务管理局(Labuan FSA)的投资许可证。 AIFC Technology Ltd is an international broker house which will be officially launched on 25/10/2021 in Labuan, Malaysia. AIFC is also supported by the license of investment approved by Ministry of Finance and Labuan Financial Authority (Labuan FSA) where it’s headquarters its headquarters are located. Register now to be the first 10000 user in our AIFC Broker House to trade in In Gold/Silver, Oil (WTI and Brent), Index, Forex and Cryptocurrency. As easy as ABC, as simple as 123, we have full customer service and support team to help you. Click the click to register free account today and start your challenging and interesting investment journey w...


  谈谈风险与纠结之 ️ 思维盲点 保险直销房产销售业界的佳音 今天我的团队领袖告诉我 越来越多直销保险界领袖 看见这项投资的潜能前景 开始愿意进来深入去探讨 所以给他们开办线上分享 我说的确是好事因为向来 他们只是封闭在自己圈子 从来不参与其他性质会议 表示每个人有危机意识了 愿意开放自己给更多机会 问我为什么不开拓这市场 我说我当然要开拓这市场 但是首先要进行外汇教育 所以我才写了数十篇文章 从投资每个角度深入剖析 透过专业知识教育来突破 先入为主的主观盲点障碍 其实每个人都有一个缺点 就是觉得我做的事是对的 别人做的事是不对或不好 所以当别人推荐你新项目 你会潜意识里本能地抗拒 即使敷衍他听也听不进去 这是人的本性,思维盲点 没有对错,固执也不是错 可能因为被 蛇 咬过 还不怕绳子吗?金钱游戏 又来?又投资?又找人? 所以把自己封锁起来没错 现在不是全面自我封锁吗 大家乖乖在家刷手机看戏 直到有一天机缘巧合之下 越来越多身边人推荐给他 他就会萌起好奇心,然后 开始询问各种各样的问题 而推荐他的人可能不了解 只会讲值得投资很好很好 怎么好呢风险呢回酬呢? 那个时候他可能会想起我 为什么呢?因为我发表了 数十篇外汇投资教育文章 我不是外汇投资推销员哦 我是一个外汇教育工作者 请问你会去跟营养推销员 买产品,还是找营养教练 这道理是一样的,明白吧 在你还没有决定投资之前 你可以慢慢观察稳清问楚 解除你所有的疑惑与纠结 才考虑是否尝试投资一点 这就是我说的经历和体验 如果你清楚明白之后还是 连一百美金都不敢去尝试 那么请就不要再去纠结了 安安心心过生活远离投资 当然这些我是针对新手说 如果直销保险房产业界领袖 愿意突破盲点来看看此项目 我相信思维和视野都会改变 再亲身经历一段时间的考验 肯定会发现崭新的事业商机 尤其是那些业绩面对瓶颈的 要上上不到要下骑虎难下的 肯定是一个机会,相辅相成 把投资推荐给原有下线会员 再把直销产品推荐给投资者 这就好所谓的商业资源整合 是时候突破固步自封的观念 再目前疫情影响未来不稳定 局势不明朗产品很难销售时 踏出全新的一步开创新商机 至于那些已经上岸的领袖们 如果懂得妥善分散投资理财 投资一小部分资金复投三年 肯定会看见意想不到的奇迹 有人纠结于~好到不敢相信 It is too good to be true. 是吧? 你...